Plastic bags and flexible packaging is the biggest source of marine deaths than any other source of pollution. According to the United nations, more than 700 species worldwide are drastically impacted by the presence of these poisonous debris in our oceans . More than 100 million die from it.
The numbers get worse. It is estimated that over 6 million metric tons of Plastic bags find their way to the ocean every year. That is a truckload of debris every minute!
None of our Marine friends are immune from plastic pollution. Marine animals get stuck in, and ingest the plastic debris thereby causing suffocation, drowning and poisoning. And as we know that plastic does not decompose like Natural fibres, it eventually finds it way into seafood we eat as well. If nothing else that alone should motivate us, right?
Among the worst affected are Sea Turtles and Dolphins. Studies conducted in 2013 revealed that more than 50% of turtles are consuming plastic on an unprecedented scale, and are dying from it. The turtles consume the plastic mistaking it for jellyfish, and then the plastics remain in their stomach for years causing disease and death. Whales & Dolphins also consume plastics as food and it is know to be a leading cause of Whale endangerment. In 2016, out of 61 dead whales found in Davao Gulf, 45 had died from plastic waste.
The next time you are avoid purchasing a plastic bag by preferring Natural fibres such as Jute and Cotton, give yourself a pat in the back: in terms of numbers you helped save 1 Turtle. If you have done that 8 times, you saved a Dolphin. This way it is good to realize that each one of us can make a difference.
At Truejute we help in promoting this change.